Why POLITIcoy? For two decades, I've worked on some of the biggest policy issues vexing our country, yet I've rarely written about the politicians and operatives, in the first person.
But I do have opinions, grounded on intensive research into what's going wrong and why.
Though I speak from my heart in public, I rarely share my unbridled outrage while representing the organizations I've led.
With POLITIcoy, I'm asking you to come share my shock and awe at what's going on and what's gone wrong. But I'm also asking you to embrace my deep hope and determination that the truth will pierce through the fog of deceit so more and more people will wake up and insist that our nation be more just and our beautiful planet be more livable, for all.
So come and sit a spell with my righteous anger and sometimes humor. Bookmark this site, share it, and help awaken others to the absurdity of what's going on out there. People of common sense and good hearts make up the majority in the US, but not always the majority of voters. And we've got to change that right away.
As Tom Hanks' character said in A League of Their Own, "there's no crying in baseball!" The game is on, and we've got no time to lose. I hope my indignation will help fuel your determination that we cannot and we will not let the bastards win.
After all, we've got to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..." So let's get to it!
My editorial scope is simple. Does it really piss me off? Will sharing some documented truths about the situation help? Do I have time to write it up? If the answers to all three questions are "yes," then I'll publish it and ask you to share.
coy \ 'kȯi \
ADJECTIVE "marked by artful shyness" or "not telling or revealing all the information that could be revealed," according to Merriam-Webster.
ORIGIN 14th cent.: Anglo-French for quiet, from Latin "quiētus," meaning quiet, acquitted, or freed.